Join us for the 1st Annual CFD Pullup Challenge and Cookout on Saturday, May 2nd! WOD Strength: Power Clean warmup with increasing loads as follows: 50% x 2 60% x 2 70% x 2 75% x 1 80% x 1 1-1-1-1 85% Metcon: Festivus 3: AMRAP 5 Minutes 5 Push Press (115/75) 15 Box...Read More
Harriet Hansell Hometown: Gaithersburg, MD (but really now Durham) Age: 38 Occupation: Family Physician/Medical Acupuncturist When did you first start Strength & Conditioningting?: February 2014 What is your favorite movement? Favorite workout? Handstand push-ups, dead hang pull-ups, toes to bar, burpees to chest to bar pull-ups. “Diane” is my favorite workout. What is your least...Read More