Powering Up

The 2012 Strength & Conditioning Games Open starts this week!  You don’t have to be a CF Firebreather to compete.  We will be doing the workouts every week at CFD!  Register here and choose CFD as your home Affiliate and Team

The first CF Open WOD IS 7 MIN AMRAP: BURPEES! We will be doing this week’s WOD on Sunday from 10-12. Any workouts done at CFD need to be validated by a Coach before we will validate it on the Games site.

WOD for Friday 022412Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Power Snatch
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
Deadlifts (225/155)
Run 400m

Post Power Snatch Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment today, work up to a heavy set of 3 Power Snatches.  Work from the position in which you’re the most comfortable.  If your form sucks go to the previous position and/or lighten the load.

For the conditioning workout, scale Deadlift load to around 60% 1RM.  Run 400m after each set of Deadlifts…a total of 3 Rounds.

There is NO Open Gym tonight at 7pm!

Coach B on the Power Snatch!

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