Clean & Jerk, Go Again

We are hosting the Strength & Conditioning Powerlifting Course this weekend.  There will be no regular WODs on Saturday or Sunday, but there will be a COMMUNITY WORKOUT tomorrow for EVERYONE at 11am and the Oly Intensive Course will meet at noon.

CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls on May 19th!  

Reserve your tickets by TONIGHT! Click here for more info

WOD for Friday 042712Click Here For Today’s Schedule
12-9-6 Reps For Time::
Clean and Jerk (70% 1RM)
Front Squats 

Post Clean Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, work up to the heaviest single rep Clean for the day.  All reps should be received in a full front squat.  

For the conditioning workout, Cleans may be full or power cleans.  You may Jerk any style.  You are using the same weight for the Front Squats as the Clean & Jerk…no racks.   

OPEN GYM tonight from 7-7:45pm!

Jon North Front Squats 227kg

Our second Olympic Weightlifting Intensive Course begins on Tuesday, May 8th and new Barbell Basics Course starts Monday, May 14th! 

More info here

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