CFD Field Day Saturday, June 16th, 11am-2pm!
More info and RSVP here!
WOD for Sunday 061012 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Parallette Shoot Throughs
50 Strict Reps
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Muscle Ups
10 KB Snatch (52/35) – 5 each arm
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For the skill segment, perform 50 super strict Parallette Shoot Throughs. Pause for a full 1-count in each position. Take your time between reps and rest as needed to keep your form strict.
For the conditioning workout, sub jumping or banded MUs as needed. KB Snatches are a total of 10 each round (5 in a row on the right, then 5 in a row on the left).
OPEN GYM today from 10am-12pm in the “green” room.
Carl Paoli on Muscle Up Progressions