Cinful Sunday

Our next Nutrition Q&A with Dr. Peters will be held on Saturday, July 21st at noon! 

FREE for all regular athletes and Bootcampers!  Register here.

WOD for Sunday 070812Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Bench Press (50%)
9×3 (3 grips)
3 sets of 8
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pullups
10 Push Ups

15 Air Squats

Post Bench PressLoad and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, the goal is to move the weight as quickly as possible for your three reps across all 9 sets, particularly on the way up.  Rep speed should be roughly 1 second down and 1 second up.  If you cannot perform all of your reps at this speed then you need to use a lighter load…regardless of whether you’re at 65% or not. Perform three sets “wide” grip – pinkies on the outside lineThree sets “medium” grip – thumbs distance from the middle knurlingThree sets “narrow” grip – index finger just off the smooth part of the middle of the bar.

This is a Strength & Conditioning Benchmark Workout.  Twenty minutes is quite a long time.  Pick a score to shoot for and go for it.  20 rounds is an awesome score!  If you complete the movements RX make sure to log your score on the Top Ten Board in the green room.

Speal and Khalipa put a twist on Cindy

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