Please stop in this week to pick up your CFD branded holiday gift!
WOD for Friday 122112 –Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press- 90% 1RM
20/15/10/5 Reps For Time:
Wall Ball (20/14)
Run 200m
Post Push Press Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, after warming up perform 5 sets of single rep Push Presses at 90% 1RM. These should be heavy. Do not turn them into Jerks by rebending the knees. Make sure you take good rest between these work sets (2-3 minutes). If you get a PR, be sure to put it up on the board!
For the conditioning workout, guys shoot for the red line and ladies for the blue wall ball line. Pullups are chin over the bar.
ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm! Bring your stopwatch!
Holiday Week Schedule
Christmas Eve – No evening WODs
Christmas Day – 10 and 11am WODs
12/26 – 11am Mobility, WODs at 11:30am, 5pm, 6pm
12/27 – No 7pm WOD
Fix Your Push Press Issues