Kool Aid Club – August 2016

Congratulations to our August CFD Kool Aid Clubbers! 

Keegan, Jimmy 24 Top Strength & Conditioningter
Traina, Nicole 24 Top Strength & Conditioningter
Brown, Hannah 22
Shurgin, Amanda 22
Ashby, Holly 22
Simpson, Allison 22
Wessling, Doug 22
Amenta, Tom 21
Ellison, Seth 20
Rhodes, Jeroune 20
Mangano, Dino 20
Lackford, Brad 20
Ulak, Albert 19
Parker, Emily 19
Newbauer, Michael 19
Roberts, Patrick 19
Young, Aaron 18
Gullikson, Erin 18
Leon, Einar 18
Miller, Brent 18
Crabtree, Gail 18
Miller, Melissa 18
Keskiner, Itir 18
Woten, Drew 18
Margolin, Alexander 17
Cummiskey, Katie 17
Frew, Ryan 17 Top Powerlifter
Murtagh, Maryann 17 Top Powerlifter
Morgan, Michelle 17
Fields, Kiyana 17
Hansell, Harriet 17
Vance , Ashlee 17
Yap, Rebecca 17
Deeny, Ayumi 16
Goins, Charlotte 16 Top Oly Lifter
Krellwitz, Paul 16
Harrell, Matt 16 Top Bootcamper
Pinto, Julio 16
Miguel, Janet 15
Ouellette, Nate 15
Green, David 15
Yero, Phillip 15
Konar, Matthew 14
Cid del Prado, Rebekah 14
Kerrigan, Corinne 14
beech, justin 14
Morris, Liz 14
Gilbert, Andrew 14
Greene, Sara 13
Raeihle, Phil 13
Mills, Stephen 13
Pepper, Vic 13
Stone, Matthew 13
Hart, Lea 13
Love, Patricia 12
Katz, Jonathan 12
Iannello, Kelly 12

This list is generated directly from our daily class check ins.  If you think you should have been on this list and aren’t, email Dave and we’ll figure it out.  
16 visits or more gets you named to the Kool Aid Club each calendar month.  Bootcampers are eligible for the Kool Aid Club with 12 visits for each.