The objective of “Strength & Conditioning Golf” is to complete the WOD in the fewest possible number of sets. For example, if the WOD contains 10 Pull Ups and it takes you 5,3, and 2 reps complete the 10, then your score would be 3. This WOD is not for time so you may rest in between sets. Perform the following 8 movements, in order, in the fewest possible number of sets. Par for the course = 30
30 Thrusters (95/65) Par 2
50 Kettlebell Swings (70/52) Par 3
30 Pullups Par 3
50 Pushups Par 3
50 Front Squats (135/95) Par 5
30 Toes to Bar Par 4
50 Wall Balls (20/14) Par 4
30 power cleans (95/65) Par 4
50 Slam balls (40/25) Par 2