Segment 1:
Take 20 minutes to make up a missed segment from the past week
Segment 2:
AMRAP in 12 minutes (Alternating movements with a partner)
4 Deadlifts (Rx: 225/185 S1: 155/105)
8 T2B (S1: Knees to elbows)
16 Double Unders (S1: Attempts S2: Singles)
Segment 3:
8 minutes: for Total Reps:
2-mins: G2OH (135/95)
1-min rest
2-mins: Front Rack Lunges
1-min rest
2-mins: Row for Calories
Segment 4:
16 minute time cap (Alternating Rounds) (4 rounds/Person)
8 Slam Balls (Rx: 50/35 S1: 30/20 S2: 20/10
12 DB Shoulder to Overhead (Rx: 35/20 S1: 25/15)
100m Sprint