WOD for 122017

Segment 1 (warmup):
Toy Soldier March x Down
Butt Kickers x Back
Bear Crawl (straight legs)x Down
Walking Lunges x Back
Post Supported Hamstring Stretch x 1:00 ea.
Banded Leg Good Morning x 10 ea. Leg

– Barbell-
2 sets, 2nd set w/ light weight
7 Top Half Deadlifts (from hip to knee)
7 Bottom Half DL (Shin to Knee)
7 Deadlifts

Segment 2:
5×3 @ 80% of Heavy Double from last week
*Reset on the floor each rep, not TNG
*Sets start every 2:00

Segment 3:
AMRAP in 15 Minutes
10 Hang Power Snatches (Rx: 95/65 S1: 75/55 S2: 55/35)
15 Box Jumps (w/step down) (Rx: 24/20 S1: 20/16 S2: 16/12)
20 Wall Balls (Rx: 20/14 S1: 14/10 S2: 10/6)

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