WOD for 011818

Coach’s choice

Metcon 1:
4, 1 minute Rounds: 3 Stations (12 minutes)
Station 1: 8 Weighted Barbell Good mornings
Station 2: 12 Double KB Swings
Station 3: Sandbag over the shoulder or weighted Glute March (:40)

L1: 95/65 (8 Good mornings), 12 DBL KBS (Blue/Red), 150/120
L2: 75/55 (8 Good mornings), 12 DBL KBS (Red/Orange), 120/100
L3: 65/45 (8 Good mornings), 12 DBL KBS (Orange/Yellow), 50/35
L4: Banded Good mornings (8), 12 KBS (Orange/Yellow), 20/15

Metcon 2:
10 Rounds total with a partner: (5 rounds/person)
**Follow the leader or Conga line
20 Cal Row
5 Deadlift

L1: 30/25 cal Row, 10 Deficit HSPU (4″/2″), 315/225
L2: 20/15 cal Row, 10 HSPU, 225/155
L3: 20/15 cal Row, 10 HR Push-ups, 135/95
L4: 15/12 Cal Row, 10 Push-ups off a box, HEAVY KB DL

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