Aux Core:
3 Rounds for Quality
:35-second Handstand Hold or :35-second Plank 10 Glute Bridge Raises (10/leg)
Max Effort Hang L-sit from the Rig
Single Arm Bottoms up KB Hold (Left) :30 seconds
Single Arm Bottoms up KB Hold (Right) :30-seconds
Back Squats:
:05 down and regular speed up
*Build UP method
15-12-9-6 with a 10-min Time cap
Shoulder to Overhead
Burpee Box Jump Overs
*In between each set: 20 Double Unders
L1: 135/95, 24″/20″and Unbroken DUs
L2: 95/65, 24″/20″, DUs
L3: 75/55, 24″/20″ Step-overs, Singles (+) DU attempts, (12-9-6-3)
L4: DB S2OH, 17″/15″ Step-overs, Singles 1:2, (12-9-6-3)