WOD for 030818

Auxillary Core: 3 Rounds
9 Single Leg Deadlifts with KB/Leg
10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (5/leg)

Coaches: Ensure we are helping people get into proper positioning

*In betwen each set, Row 500m (Coach Rowing Form, No speed at all use for recovery)

Every 4-minutes for 16-minutes
30 Calorie Row
20 Situps
10 Front Squats

L1: 95/65, GHD Sit-ups, 30/24 Cal
L2: 75/55, Ab-mat Situps, 25/20 Cal
L3: 65/45, Ab-mat Situps, 20/16 Cal
L4: Goblet Squats, AB-MAT Situps, 15/12 Cal

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