WOD for 010519

Saturday January 5th: With a Partner 

For Time (15 Min Cap)


DB Single Arm Hang Squat Cleans (Switch arms as needed)

-(Partner 1 does 15, partner 2 does 15)


400m Run with DB (Trade DB However) 

Immediately into; 


Alt. DB Snatch

-(Partner 1 does 21, partner 2 does 21)


400m Run with DB (Trade DB However) 

*Every time the DB rests on the floor- 5 Burpees for the team*

-4-min Rest –

4 Rounds For Time (18 Min Cap): Splitting as Needed 

60 Wallballs

40 Box Jumps

12 DB Burpee Deadlifts

L1: 50/35, 30/20, 24″/20″

L2: 50/35, 20/14, 24″/20″

L3: 35/20, 14/10, 20″/16″

L4: 20/15, 10/6, 20″/16″ (Step-Ups), Regular Burpees

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