Strength: Upper Body Pump:
EMOTM x 9 Minutes
1)DB Bench Press x Max Reps
2)3-5 Pullup Negatives (4 count descent)
L1: 70/50, C2B Negative
L2: 50/35, Pullup Negative
L3: 35/25, Band assisted Negative
L4: 20/15, Tempo Ring Row
For Time: 18 Minute Cap:
Buy In:
1,000/750M Row
4 Rounds:
15 Russian Swings
12 Pushups
9 Toes 2 Bar
Cash Out: 400 Meter KB Carry (Any Style)
*Start half the class on the carry as needed
L1: 1,250/1,00M Row, 21-15-9, 52/35, Ring Pushups
L2: 52/35, Pushups
L3: 35/25, Box Pushups, Toes 2 Target/Knees to Chest
L4: 25/20, Box Pushups, 15 Situps