Skill: Pullups
Strength: Strict Pullups (10 Mins)
Strict Pullups
10-15 Hollow Rocks between each set (only 3 sets of Hollow Rocks)
rest about 2:00 b/w sets
*Add weight or a band as needed to make these doable but difficult
4 Rounds For Time…(20 Min Cap)
50 Double Unders
8 Chest 2 Bar
8 Burpees
8 Chest 2 Bar
Rest 2:00
Comp: 10 Chest 2 Bar, 8 Burpees, 4 Bar Muscle Ups
FItness: As Written
GPP: 20-30 Double Unders or 75 Singles, Kip. Pullups or J. C2B
Health: 50 Singles, 8 Jumping Pullups or 8 Ring Rows