Teams of 2:
12 Mins to complete…Split work as needed
Alt. DB Snatch
Box Jump Overs
Comp: 70/50, 24/20
Fitness: 50/35, 24/20
GPP: 35/25, 20/16
Health: 25/15, 16 in. Step Overs
-Rest 3:00-
5 Min AMRAP:
Shoulder 2 Overhead (from the rig)
*Every break/switch someone on the team must complete 20 double unders or 50 single unders
Comp: 155/105
Fitness: 135/95
GPP: 95/65
Health: 65/45
-Rest 3:00-
15 Mins to Complete…Split Work However…
6 Rounds…
20 Situps
30 KBS
20/17 Cal Row/Bike
Comp: 70/53 Murican Swings
Fitness: 53/35 Russian or Murican
GPP: 40/30 Russian Swings
Health: 30/20 Russians