CFD workout for 06/15/20

Warm Up:

6 min AMRAP (but take your time)
5 Inch worms (without pushup on first round, knee push-up on second round)
20 Jumping jacks
10 Air squats with 2 second pause in bottom
:20 wall shoulder stretch (forearms on wall, drop head down)
20 Walk the dog steps

Build: Legs

Tabata 5 Rounds (5 mins)

Alternate Movement, :10 rest between movements
Goblet Squats
Single Arm OH Reverse Lunges


4 Rounds for Time (30 Min Cap)
10 Burpees
20 Single Arm Clean and Jerk (10/side)
100 meter Run
10 Burpees
40 Alt. Lunges (Front Rack, Goblet, or Overhead)
100 meter Run
10 Burpees
20 Weighted Sit-Ups
100 meter Run

Only one object. If it’s heavy enough that you need two-hands to move through the weighted work, that’s fine. If it’s light enough to work one-handed, then do that!

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