Try Not To Puke

Potluck Party on Sunday, August 14th!  RSVP on our Facebook page!

WOD for Thursday 072811Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup, then 5-5-5
— Rest–
Every 30 seconds for 12 minutes:
1 Power Clean (80% 1RM)

Post Deadlift Loads and Metcon Clean Load to Comments
For the strength segment, after warming up perform 3 sets of 5 rep Deadlifts as heavy as possible.  Lower all reps to the floor.

For the conditioning workout, use a load that allows you to hit the majority, not necessarily all, of the 24 reps.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm with Coach Allison!
15 Rounds
Run 1 minute
Rest 30 seconds

Upcoming Bootcamps Beginning August 22nd! SAVE 10% before 8/12!
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @6:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @7:15am)
Strength & Conditioning Bootcamp – (M/W/F @6:00pm)
Weight Loss Bootcamp – (M/W/F @7:00pm)

If you puke, make sure you clean it up