Face Off

Fight Gone Bad 6 is coming SATURDAY!  We need your help!  Sign up here

(You must be registered to workout on Saturday – Event will run from 9 til whenever – all regular classes are cancelled)

WOD for Wednesday 091411Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Front Squats
15-12-9-6-3 Reps For Time:
Power Clean (135/95)
Bar Facing Burpees (video)

Post Front Squat Loads and Metcon Time To Comments
For the strength segment, perform 5 sets of 3 rep Front Squats.  Take the bar from the rack and make sure all reps are below parallel. 

For the conditioning workout, scale Power Clean load to ensure you’re not doing curls.  For burpees, face the bar and jump over it for each rep.  Each time over the bar counts as one.

World Champion, 69kg, Front Squats 440×5

We will participating in Fight Gone Bad 6 on Saturday to benefit the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.  The gym will be closed that day except to those who have signed up to particpate!  Join our team here