We have about 5 WOD for Warriors t-shirts left for $20 cash!
WOD for Monday 111411 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Power Clean
Establish 1RM
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
Ring Dips
Wall Ball (20/12)
Power Clean (135/95)
Post Power Clean Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, take 20 minutes or so to establish a 1RM Power Clean for the day. A Power Clean begins with the bar on the floor. The bar is received in the rack position (at the shoulders) without a full depth squat.
For the conditioning workout, use bar dips if you do not have Ring Dips. The Wall Ball target is the red line for everyone. Today’s workout comes courtesy of Coach Doug!
ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm with Coach Paul!
span style=”color: #000000;”>3 Rounds of the following:
Row 150m; rest 30 seconds
Row 250m; rest 90 seconds
Row 500m; rest 3 minutes
Painting – done! Wall demo – done! Wall framing – done! New Pullup Rig – done! Still need to organize the space, hang new posters and banners, install artificial turf surface in new space (cool!), put up whiteboards and PR boards, install new stereo system. Thanks for your patience as we get everything done over the next couple of weeks!
New Snatch WR – 214kg (470lbs)!