CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls on May 19th!
Hope you can join us. Click here for more info
WOD for Friday 040612 — Click Here For Today’s Schedule
5 Rounds:
1 Power Clean, 3 Jerk (75% 1RM C&J)
1 Power Clean, 2 Jerk
1 Power Clean, 1 Jerk
Rest 2 mins between each round
Accumulate a total of 4 minutes
Post Snatch Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, work up to a 1RM Snatch for the day. These should be full snatches, starting on the floor and received in a full overhead squat. If you are not comfortable working from the floor, start in one of the hang positions, but still receive the bar in a full OHS.
For the conditioning workout, use 75% of your Clean & Jerk 1RM. You will do 1 Power Clean, then 3 Jerks in a row from the shoulders, then 1 Power Clean and 2 Jerks in a row, then 1 Power Clean and 1 Jerk. That is 1 Round. You’re doing a total of 5 Rounds with a 2 minute rest between rounds. You can push jerk or split jerk.
After you’ve recovered from the workout, grab a stop watch and accumulate a total of 4 minutes in a full body plank (either resting on the elbows or in a pushup position). Note this is 4 minutes IN the position, not total. So it will likely take longer than 4 minutes — unless your name is Beatrice Yaxley.
OPEN GYM tonight from 7-7:45pm! Make up a missed workout or work on your lifts.
Prepping for Nationals at Coach Pendlay’s California Strength