As Fast As You Can

CFD is a sponsor of the 2012 Running of the Bulls 8K on Saturday, June 2nd!

We are in charge of the aid station at Mile 2 (just down the street from the gym at Geer and Washington) and need 8-10 volunteers to give out water and Gatorade to the runners.  Can you help?  Email [email protected] for details

WOD for Sunday 052712Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Bench Press
9 sets of 3 reps @50% 1RM
Rest no more than 60 seconds between sets
1st three sets “wide” grip – pinkies on the outside line
2nd three sets “medium” grip – thumbs distance from the middle knurling
3rd three sets “narrow” grip – index finger just off the smooth part of the middle of the bar

10 Rounds For Time:
4 Power Clean (heavy)
Sprint 50m

Post Bench Press Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, the goal is to move the weight as quickly as possible for your three reps across all 9 sets, particularly on the way up.  Rep speed should be roughly 1 second down and 1 second up.  If you cannot perform all of your reps at this speed then you need to use a lighter load…regardless of whether you’re at 50% or not.  Make sure you watch the video below.

For the conditioning workout, use a power clean load around 80% 1RM or even a little more.  Take a big deep breath before each sprint and then run as hard as you can!  There is no rest between rounds.


OPEN GYM today from 10am-12pm in the green room!

Westside Barbell Speed Bench

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule
Sunday – Regular schedule
Monday – 9am and 10am (open to everyone)


Strength & Conditioning For Hope Workout 

Saturday, June 9th from 9-11am! 

Everyone is welcome to participate. 

You can learn more about the event and fundraising for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital here.

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