Balancing Act

Thursday, May 6th!  Only a few spots left!

We’re giving you ONE MONTH FREE when you
refer a friend to one of our Foundations Classes!

WOD for Monday 042610 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule 
Snatch Balance
4 Rounds For Time:
10 Burpees
20 Walking Lunges w/DB’s (35/27)
30 Double Unders

Post Loads and Time to Comments
For today’s strength segment we’re working on “getting under the bar”.  You should generally not be failing on any set except maybe the last one of the day.  If you’re unsure about your technique or ability to perform a given set safely at a particular load, then use common sense and good judgement.  When in doubt, live to lift again another day.  

In the Metcon, DB’s should be held at your sides for the Walking Lunges.  Sub parallette jumps for Double Unders.        

ENDURANCE WOD tonight at 6pm! 
Run: 10 x 200m with 4 times the recovery 
C2: 10 x 250m with 4 times the recovery 

Whole9 Nutrition Workshop — Thursday, May 6th — 6 spots left!

Upcoming FOUNDATIONS Classes
Starting May 11th (Tues/Thurs @7pm)
Starting June 1st (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Congratulations to Rebecca for completing the Blue Ridge Half Marathon this weekend!  She combined regular WODs and Endurance WODs in preparation for her event.  Here are some of her post-race thoughts:
Hey! 🙂  Just got back to Durham!   I have something to show you!  I finished in 2:12:23…  Not too shabby!   I think I did the race perfectly in terms of speed and timing, esp. for my first time and on the hilly (it’s not really hilly, it’s mountainous) terrain… I never walked… Most of the steep inclines were finished by mile 6-ish at which point I realized I was averaging about 11 min/mile pace so I spent the rest of the race concentrating on making up that time to get to an average of 10 minute mile.  At the end, I finished strong – the hardest part was figuring out exactly when to pick up the pace and by how much so that I would still finish strong.  I would sort use some runners around me to pace myself and then decide I was stronger than them and pass them… so it felt good. 🙂  I finished 204th out of 450 people doing the half! 🙂  Not too shabby again!  THANK YOU!”

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