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Our new 7 week programming cycle begins Monday! The first week is off program to mix in some different movements and testing to the strength program. Movements for the full cycle include: power clean, push jerk, sumo deadlift, back squat, hang snatch, and front squat.
We will be incorporating the WODs for the upcoming Festivus Games this week and in the 4th week of the cycle to help our athletes prepare for the event on April 18th.…/03/WOD-template-2015-mar-apr.pdf
Turkish Get Ups
Complete 5 reps on each side (1 at a time) as heavy as possible
If you’re feeling daring, try it with a barbell
5 Rounds:
10 MovNat Situps (move from situp to standing)
20 KB Snatch
30 KB Swings (52/35)
Time cap of 15 minutes