
The 2012 Look Better Naked Challenge starts Sunday!

Squat Clinic with Coach Stew – Sunday, 12-2pm!

WOD for Thursday 011212Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Power Cleans
In 15 minutes, work up to a heavy single focusing on fast, explosive hip extension and racking the bar on the shoulders
8 Rounds
3 Power Cleans (75% bodyweight)
3 Max Distance Broad Jumps
Rest 2 minutes between rounds

Post Workout Power Clean Load to Comments
For the strength segment, work up to heavy single for the Power Clean.  Spend time working from the 1st and 2nd hang position.  Do not go up in weight unless you are hitting all of your positions and landing cleanly under the bar.

For the conditioning workout, you are using relatively heavy Power Clean load.  Take the bar from the floor and hit a good rack position (hips and knees fully extended) before returning the bar to the floor.  Perform 3 max distance broad jumps immediately after your third Power Clean.  The rounds are NOT timed.  Good form on the PCs and good distance on your jump are the focus.

Robb Wolf – Paleo Eating on a Budget