CF Open WOD 12.4

We will be doing the CF Open WOD 12.4 this morning at 9 and 10am.  If you are competing in the Open and don’t come at this time you will have to arrange a time to do it later in the day with a CFD Coach or visit another gym as CFD will not be available tomorrow for Open Workouts.

Wilkes Weightlifting will be here TOMORROW or a full day Olympic Weightlifting Seminar!  Spaces still available!  Click here for more info

WOD for Saturday 031712Click Here For Today’s Schedule
CF Open 12.4
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
150 Wall Ball (20/14)
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle Ups

Post Reps Completed to Comments
This is workout 12.4 for the 2012 CF Open.  Ladies must hit the 9′ (blue) line and guys the 10′ (red) line.  Wall balls should begin with a below parallel squat.  If you drop the ball, it must come to rest before you complete another rep.  All MUs must begin with the shoulders and elbows in full extension below the rings, and end with the arms fully locked out above them.

COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am!

CF Open WOD 12.4 Instructions and Demo

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