CFD workout for 05/27/20

Warm Up:

2-3 Rounds (depending on time)
8 Prone Snow Angels
8 Side Plank Rotations (Ea.)
4 Yoga Push-ups
8 Kang Squats
8 Single leg Floor Reach (Ea.)

L-Sit Progression (WK. 4)

-V Sit Flutter Kicks
3 x :20 secs AMRAP

Rest 1:00 b/w sets

Barbell Gymnastics:

EMOTM x 6 Mins:
3 Snatches from

*9 Snatches per minute. Squat it if you got it


EMOTM x 20 Mins
Evens: 10 Push Jerks (5/arm)
Odds: 15 DB Thrusters

*Single DB Style or Single Arm DB Thruster switching arms each round. Up to you on that today

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