CFD Workout for 06/06/20

Warm Up:

2 Rounds:

Jog 200 Meters

10 Cobra Twists

10 Arm Circles forward

10 Arm Circles Back

:20 Plank Hold (straight arms)

“Big Floyd”

Cash In:

Do some research. Read anti-racist articles and educate yourself.

A starter list is attached compiled by our sister gym, Bull City Strength & Conditioning.

Complete (For Time):

800m Run25 Deadlifts + 25 Burpees

800m Run

25 Squat Cleans + 25 Burpees

800m Run

25 Push Press + 25 Burpees

800m Run

25 Clusters + 25 Burpees

800m Run

Cash Out:

Do any or all of these – donate, sign petitions, vote, and spread awareness


Sign a Petition:
