Warm up:
2 Rounds
:20 Run in place
:20 High knees
:20 Sumo Squats
5 Inch worms with 4 Shoulder taps each rep (no push-up)
10 Strict Press with Dbs or empty barbell
Every :90 x 5 sets
5 Hang Power Cleans + 5 Push Press with a 3 sec lower on each rep
*Keep the same weight across all 5 sets
Conditioning (Engine Piece)
Work for 4 mins, rest for 2 mins x 3 Sets
10 Box Jump Overs
10 Updowns
10 Shoulder to Overhead
Rest 2:00 b/w sets
*DB or Barbell.. but the weight should be light enough that you are aiming to do all 10 reps unbroken every set
*the goal of the session is to get MORE rounds on the second and third AMRAP’s… ease in to the first one.
1:00 calf smash (each)
1:00 Childs Pose
Clean your station!