CFD workout for 10/17/2020

Warm Up:

Burgener Warm Up w/PVC Pipe

Down + Shrug

Down + High Pull

Muscle Snatch

Power Snatch


-Repeat from above the knee-

3 Rounds:

5 Kip Swings or :10 Single Arm Plank on P-lette (do both sides)

5 Hollow Rocks

5 Arch Ups


12 Min AMRAP:

10 Power Snatch

10 OHS

5 Bar Muscle Ups or 6 C2B or 10/side Plank Supported Row

12 Min AMRAP:

10 Alt. DB Snatch

10 Alt. Single Arm Overhead Lunge

10 each side Plank Supported row (on p-lette if possible)

*Grab a DB that is heavier than what you would normally use for DB snatches today!

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