CFD workout for 10/7/2020

Warm Up:

Tabata intervals

2 rounds through for 4 minutes total

:20 seconds of Jumping Jacks/:10 rest

:20 seconds High knees/:10 rest

:20 seconds Butterfly Glute Bridges/:10 rest

:20 seconds Alternating shoulder taps/:10 rest

“The Coach Doug Plank warm-up”

2 Rounds:

:20 second Right Side plank

:20 second Front Plank

:20 second Left Side Plank

:20 second Reverse Plank

rest :40 seconds and repeat


EMOTM x 16 mins:

  1. Ring Support or Ring Plank x :20
  2. 20 KBS
  3. 5-10 Pike Pushups
  4. Hollow Body Hold x :20