CFD workout for 8/21/2020

Warm up:

3-4 Rounds (depending on time)

10 Single leg hops R

10 Single leg hops L

3 inch worms (no push-up) + 5 Push-ups on the last rep

5 Scap Push-ups

5 Scap Pull-ups


For Time… 20 Min Cap


DB Floor Press (2 DB’s)


Pullups/ Ring Rows/DB Bent Over Row


Double Unders or Jumping Jacks

So… RND 1 is 40 Floor Press + 20 Pullups + 50 Double Unders

RND 2 is 30 Floor Press + 15 Pullups + 50 Double Unders

and so on.. ends on double unders


:30 ea/ prone pec stretch

20 PVC or Banded Passthroughs

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