CFD Workout for 9/16/2020

Warm up:

2 rounds:

10 alternating shoulder taps

5 knee push-ups

10 (prone) twisted crosses

5 inch worms (no push-up)

1 Round:

10 each small arm circles forward & Back

10  each Big arm circles forward and back

10 reps through I’s, T’s, Y’s & W’s (unweighted, slow and controlled, do each in sequence

Build: Shoulders

Every 2:00 x 4 sets

10 DB Z Press (on floor)(2 DB’s)

:20 Hold on last rep


For Time… 10 Min Cap

100 Push Press

*EMOTM do 3 Burpees


20 PVC Pipe Passthroughs

1:00 Childs Pose

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