Warm up:
3 Rounds
:20 Front Leaning Rest
:20 Knee Push-ups
:20 Alternating single arm swings
Rest :30
Every 3:00 x 5 sets:
25 Russian KBS
9 Strict HSPU/Pike Pushups on box/Tricep Pushups
9 Strict Pull ups/Ring Rows or KB Row *
Scale Pull up number so that you can complete it in 2-3 sets (no singles)
-No Bands, if you cannot yet do a strict pull up do 9 ring rows with a 2 sec pause at the top and bottom.
*On the KB Row- Single Arm using a 2122 Tempo
-2 sec lower, 1 sec pause, 2 sec up, 2 sec pause
-Use the same weight for your rows as you do for your swings
Core Cashout: (5 mins)
100 Medball Russian Twists (20/14) in as few sets as possible
1:00 standing forward fold
Wrist Stretching
10 alt. Cobra twists