CFD workout for 9/30/2020

Warm Up:

:20 Bottom of Squat hold

10 alt. Cossack Lunges

:30 Plank 

2 Rounds:

5 Knee or elevated Pushups with 3232 Tempo

5 Reverse Lunges R leg

5 Reverse Lunges L Leg

5 Tempo Air Squats with 3232 Tempo

-PVC Pipe Front Rack Stretch x :30 each side-

3 Rounds @ increasing pace

3 Empty Bar/Light DB Thrusters with 2 sec pause at the top and bottom

3 Pushups

3 Burpees


5 Rounds for Time (12 Min Cap)

6 Thrusters

8 Pushups

6 Thrusters

8 Burpees