Cleaning Complex

The Iron Samurai is coming to CFD on June 30th! 

You shouldn’t miss this! Click here

WOD for Saturday 062312Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Establish 1RM
On the minute for 15 minutes:
3 Hang Power Cleans (50% Clean 1RM)
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerk

Post Clean Loads and Workout Load To Comments
For the Clean take 12-15 minutes to warm up and set a 1RM for the day.  You should work up to the heaviest weight that you know you can get, which is probably more like 98% of your true 1RM.  Do your best to NOT fail on too many reps.  End on a good note!

For the conditioning workout, use 50% of your heaviest Clean load from the strength segment for all three movements of the complex.  This may seem light, but note how many total reps you’ll be doing.  You’ll be pretty smoked when it’s all over.  Focus on good movement each and every rep.

COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am!  Bring your friends!

OPEN GYM today from 11-1:30pm!  (11-12pm in the “green” room.  12-1:30pm in the “main” room)

Coach Burgener on the Push Jerk

Martial Arts Grand Master, Ron Van Clief, is coming to CFD for a Self Defense Seminar on July 7th!

Don’t miss out!  Click here for more info


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