Close My Eyes Forever

We’re hosting TWO Gymnastics Seminars this weekend! Space still available –  Click here

TOMORROW is the “Helen Meets Grace” WOD during our 9 and 10am classes to support Breast Cancer research!  Everyone is welcome to WOD that day, but we hope you will also consider donating or starting your own fundraising page to support this worthy cause.  You can do that here


5 Rounds:
2 Snatch DL (Not just Sn. Grip DL but, passing through positions of Sn. Pull
2 Snatch Pull
Rest 90 seconds between rounds
Use 50% 1RM

Back Squat
5 reps at 55 %
3 reps at 65 %
3 reps at 75 %
2 reps at 85 %
2 reps at 85 %
2 reps at 85 %

9-7-5 reps for time of:
Front Squat (225/155)
Bar muscle-ups (sub deadhang chest to bar pullups)
Time cap of 12 minutes