Strength & Conditioning workout for 01/11/20

Partner Workout!!

Teams of 2!

Against 15 Mins…Split however, 1 works, 1 rests

200 Double Unders

80 Front Rack Lunges

70 Toes 2 Bar

60 Shoulder 2 Overhead

Comp: 155/105

Fitness: 115/75

GPP: 75/55, Toes 2 Target, 200 Plate Hops

Health: DB Lunges and S2OH, 150 Plate Hops, Situps x 100

Rest 4:00

Against 14 Mins…

Trading Full Rounds for 6 Rounds Total ( 3 each)

Row 15/12 Cals

7 Power Snatches


Comp: 18/15 cals, 135/85

Fitness: 15/12 Cals, 95/65

GPP: 15/12, 75/55, Double KB Front Squats (35/25)

Health: 12/9, 10 KBS, 10 KB Goblet Squats

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