Skill: Toes 2 Bar
Tempo Front Squats
Every 2:30 x 4 Sets
3 reps @ 42X1 Tempo + 5 Regular Reps
*Start @ 60% and build as you are able each set.. KEEP THE TEMPO STRICT
EMOTM x 18 Mins
1) Row 12/9 Cals
2) 5-10 Toes 2 Bar + :30 Sandbag Hold (bear hug)
3) 5 HPC + 5 Front Squats
Comp:15/12 cals, 150/120,185/135,
Fitness: 12/9 Cals,120/100, 135/95
GPP:10/8 cals, 10-15 V Ups, 75/50, 95/65
Health: 10/8 cals, 10-15 Situps, 50/40, DB Cleans + Squats