Strength & Conditioning workout for 111319

Skill: Kipping Pullup

Strength: Strict Press + Chinups

Every 3 min x 5 sets

5 Strict Press (dead stop on shoulders each rep)

3-5 Strict Pullups

*Increase Weight on the Strict Press each set

*scale for strict pullups today is 8 Heavy KB Bent Over Rows


Every 3:00 x 4 Rounds

:30 Straight Arm Plank

10 Alt. DB Snatches

5-10 Kipping Pullups

10 DB Push Press (5/side)

Comp: 70/50, Chest 2 Bar

Fitness: 50/35, Pullups

GPP: 35/25, Ring Rows or Jumping Chest 2 Bar

Health: 20/15, Ring Rows

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