Strength & Conditioning workout for 12/16/19

Strength: Bench Press

Every 2:30 x 5 sets

8 Bench Press with a 3 count lower on each rep


EMOTM x 15 Mins

1) :45 AMRAP DB Floor Press 

2) :45 AMRAP Strict Toes 2 Bar

3):30 Sandbag Hold

*Goal is 12-15 Floor Press on each round.. make em tough!!

*Sub Hanging Knee Raises for Strict Toes 2 Bar as needed

Comp: 70/50 (or heavier if you want.. those are downstairs!) 150/100

Fitness: 50/35, 100/80

GPP: 35/25, 80/50

Health: 25/15, 50/30 (medball)

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