Endurance For Everyone

If you completed WOD #1 for the Strength & Conditioning Open make sure you register your score ASAP
and enter Courage Fitness Durham so it can be validated!

WOD for Sunday 032711Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Accumulate a total of 5 minutes in a handstand. Take as much time as you need.
4 Rounds For Time:
Run 400m
Row 500m

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For the skill segment,  spend a total of 5 minutes upside down in a handstand.  Take as much time as necessary between your attempts.

Upcoming Foundations Courses
Starting March 29th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm) – Only 2 spots left!
Starting April 26th – (Tues/Thurs @7pm)

Upcoming Events
FREE Bailing Class — Sat, April 9th
USA Weightlifting Referee Clinic — Sat, April 30th
Fifth Ape Natural Movement and Parkour Seminar — Saturday, May 14th
Bull City Barbell Open — Sat, May 21st

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