Our next Nutrition Q&A with Dr. Peters will be held on Saturday, July 21st at noon!
FREE for all regular athletes and Bootcampers! Register here.
WOD for Friday 070612 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
Perform 2-5 reps per minute on the minute for 12 minutes
5 Rounds For Time:
5 Deadlifts (275/185)
10 Jumping Chest To Bar Pullups
100 Rear Delt Face Pulls
Post Workout Load and Time to Comments
For the skill segment today, we’re working on Muscle Ups or MU progressions. Find your capacity and then perform good reps of whatever you choose on the minute for 12 minutes. This is not a metcon…focus on good movement and practice!
For the conditioning workout, the Deadlift should be around 80% 1RM. You should be able to reach the pullup bar with an outstretched hand. Use a box to give yourself a boost…the higher the box the easier these will be. Note that they are chest to bar.
For the finisher, attach a light band (purple, red, maybe blue) to the pullup and complete a total of 100 face pulls. Keep your elbows high and wide and pull the band to your forehead. Break up in to no more than 6 sets.
ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6:05pm!
Kelly Starrett gives you mobility prep points for the Muscle Up