Fives For Five

CFD is going to see the Durham Bulls Game on Saturday, August 24th, 7:05pm!

If you’d like to come along, tickets are $16.  Email

WOD for Monday 071513 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
4 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – – (see video)

Strict T2B Drill:
EMOM for 8 minutes:
Hang from bar, assume hollow body position, activate lats and tuck knees up towards chest. If able, come to a full toes-to-bar or knees-to elbows finish position and then lower back to active-lat, hollow body hanging position.
Perform 3 reps with as much control as possible.
These should be much more strict in execution than “WOD style” toes to bar.

1 rep @60% 
1 rep @70% 
1 rep @80% 
1 rep @85% 
1 rep @90% 
1 rep @95%
Establish 1RM (no more than 3 attempts)

EMOM for 5 minutes:
5 Slam Balls (40/30)
5 Box Jumps (30/24)
5 Russian KB Swings (70/52)
At the top of the sixth minute
run 400m For Time

Post Clean Loads and 400m Time to Comments
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 4 rounds BEFORE class begins – first round with PVC, 2nd with training bar, 3rd and 4th with women’s bar (guy’s should do a 4th with a 45lb bar). For the skill segment, perform three as strict as possible Toes To Bar on the minute for 8 minutes.  The emphasis here is on strict movement and body control.

For the strength segment, you will establish a 1RM Clean for the day.  Follow the reps and % progression up to 95% and then take 3-4 attempts at a 1RM.  Failing is ok, but know your capacity and don’t be stupid.  Also, you should be working with at least one other person at your station.  This will help insure that you don’t work too quickly and also get us working together.  Make sure you ring the Cowbell and write your PRs on the board too!

For the conditioning workout perform the 15 reps as quickly as possible and use the remaining time in each minute to rest.  This is meant to be hard and fast.  You should be working with an all out effort right from the start.  At the top of the 6th minute, sprint 400m as hard as you can.

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Strict Toes To Bar

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