Games 12.5

Look over to the right! 

That’s how much time you have left to register for the 2013 Reebok Strength & Conditioning Open!

Get on it!  We’re covering your registration fee!

WOD for Thursday 022813 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Ring Dips
5 reps on the minute for 8 minutes

Back Squat
5 reps @ 50% 1RM
10 reps @50%
15 reps @50%
20 reps @50%
CF Open WOD 12.5
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
3 Thruster (100/65)
3 Chest to bar Pullups
6 Thruster
6 Chest to bar Pullups
9 Thruster
9 Chest to bar Pullups
12 Thruster
12 Chest to bar Pullups
15 Thruster
15 Chest to bar Pullups
18 Thruster
18 Chest to bar Pullups
21 Thruster
21 Chest to bar Pullups
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

Post Back Squat Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the strength segment, first you will do 5 Ring or Bar Dips on the minute for 8 minutes.  If you cannot perform either of these movements without assistance, then perform 5 strict parallette or regular pushups.  These should be strict reps with full ROM.

For the strength segment, perform Back Squats at the posted %s and reps.  Note that you are using the same load for increasing reps as you work today.  Rest 3-4 minutes between sets.  Just because you’re doing a high rep set DOES NOT mean that they will be easy.  You should be grinding out the last couple on both the set of 15 and 20 reps.     

The conditioning workout is WOD 12.5 from the 2012 CF Open.  If you’ve already registered for this year’s Open you should do the RX  Thruster load.  Coaches will help you figure out the appropriate weight.  This is a short one…go hard and fast!

CF Open WOD 11.5 Movement Standards

Running and Endurance Workshop on Saturday, March 16th

Click here for more info

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