TODAY! 10am-12pm
FREE Goal Setting and Programming for Strength & Conditioning Veterans Workshop
WOD for Saturday 012613 – Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Snatch Pulls
21-15-9 Reps For Time:
Snatch (95/65)
Chest to Bar Pullups
Post Snatch Loads and Workout Time to Comments
For the strength segment, after warming up perform 5 sets of 2 rep Snatch Pulls at 100% of your Snatch 1RM. These should be heavy. Rest between sets.
For the conditioning workout, receive each Squat in a full overhead squat or perform a power snatch and then an overhead squat. Use as much assistance as necessary to perform chest to bar pullups. Do you need to kip out of control to do them? No
COMMUNITY WORKOUT today at 11am! Bring a friend along too!
Olympian Snatch Pulls – is he pulling that bar up or beginning his descent under the bar?