Jesse James

This is the rough design for our new hoodies!  You can reserve yours before FRIDAY on the sign up sheet at the gym.  There are four different styles and many different colors available.

WOD for Monday 100812Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Push Press
Establish 1RM
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
Run 400m
15 Push Press (115/75)


Face Pulls

100 reps

Post Push Press Loads and Workout Rounds to Comments
For the Push Press, take 20-25 minutes to warm up and set a 1RM for the day.  You should work up to the heaviest weight that you know you can get, which is probably more like 98% of your true 1RM.  It is not necessary to work to failure.  It’s ok to leave something in the tank for next time.  Make sure you squat below parallel and don’t forget to put your PRs up on the PR BOARD!

The conditioning workout comes courtesy of The Outlaw Way with a slight tweak in time.  Keep these as push presses, not jerks, and run as hard as you can.  

For the finisher, grab a purple or red band and perform 100 Face Pulls.  Keep your elbows high and outside and pull your hands towards your forehead. 

ENDURANCE WORKOUT tonight at 6pm!

Face pulls – elbows high and outside

FREE Nutrition Q&A – THIS Saturday at noon 

Register here

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