Killer Kombo

WOD for Warriors workout will be held in every class TOMORROW!

We have a limited number of event t-shirts for sale for $20!

WOD for Thursday 111011Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Muscle Ups
Take 20 minutes to practice MU’s
For Time:
100 Thrusters (95/65)
Perform 3 Burpees on the minute until all Thrusters are complete

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For the skill segment, practice Muscle Ups, MU transitions, or pullups and ring dips.

For the conditioning workout, begin with 3 Burpees and then perform 3 Burpees at the top of each minute until you’ve complete a total of 100 Barbell Thrusters.  There is a 15 minute time cap on this workout — scale accordingly.  Today’s workout comes courtesy of Coach Ashley Denton!

Painting – done!  Wall demo – done!  Wall framing – done! New Pullup Rig – done!  Still need to organize the space, hang new posters and banners, install artificial turf surface in new space (cool!), put up whiteboards and PR boards, install new stereo system.  Thanks for your patience as we get everything done over the next couple of week

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