On The Six

CFD hosts our very first in house Weightlifting THIS Saturday from 8-1!

Email [email protected] if you’d like to volunteer (we need a photographer)!

Friends and family are welcome to come watch!

WOD for Wednesday 0601213 –  Click Here For Today’s Schedule
Warmup (to be completed on your own BEFORE class starts):
4 Rounds of Burgener Warmup – – (see video)

EMOM for 8 minutes:
1 Snatch Balance
2 Sots Press
Finish the OHS
Use 30% of Snatch 1RM

Back Squat
5 reps @50%
3 reps @60%
3 reps @70%
3 sets of 3 reps @80% 1RM

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
6 Toes To Bar
12 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
24 Walking OH Lunges – alternating legs (45/25)

Post Back Squat Loads and Workout Rounds Completed to Comments
Complete the Burgener Warmup for 4 rounds BEFORE class begins – first round with PVC, 2nd with training bar, 3rd and 4th with women’s bar (guy’s should do a 4th with a 45lb bar). For the skill segment, set the bar to just 25-30% of your Snatch 1RM.  Perform 1 Snatch Balance and 2 Sots Press every minute on the minute for 8 minutes.  After the 2nd Sots Press, stand up to finish the Overhead Squat.

For the strength segment, follow the warmup progression and then complete 3 sets of 3 reps at 80% 1RM.  Rest 2-3 minutes between work sets.  You should not be working anywhere near failure here.  No dumping the bar on the floor!  The entire strength segment shouldn’t take longer than 20 minutes.  Work quickly through the three warmup sets so you can maximize rest time during the 3 work sets.

For the conditioning workout, scale each movement as necessary.  For the Burpee Box Jumps, RX requires jumping onto the box each rep, no stepping.

MOBILITY WORKOUT tonight at 5:30pm with Lexy!

Coach Ryan on today’s skill segment


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